
       About the blog...
Lethologica is a blog I started in the February of 2011 (originally named Banana and Bear and then Demigods and Unicorns.  It had a couple more nonsensical names in between, but none of them lasted more than a week).  In 2016, I moved my blog from Blogger to Weebly and re-named it Lethologica.  
Recently, I've moved back to Blogger (good old Blogger), re-designed the site, and just recently made the decision to change the name of the blog from Lethologica to Seed to Sequoia.

(Note: When I switched from Weebly to Blogger, none of my posts came along.  Therefore, the blog is currently pretty empty.  Bear with me.)

       I've never had a set theme for this blog- the genre has always been very spontaneous.  However, you will see a few recurring topics such as books, writing, thoughts, and life.  Occasionally I post some of my artwork, and every now and again I let my thoughts run free and post rants about whatever has been on my mind.

​        What's my posting schedule?...
​     How amusing.  We don't believe in schedules around here.   
(...by which I obviously mean that life gets in the way too often for me to attempt to stick loyally to a schedule.  I applaud those of you who are able to do so.)

About the human behind it...
   I'm Anna.
​   Anna (n.)- a college student who loves Jesus, loves people (to the best of her imperfect human ability), is addicted to music (pretty much every single genre), and devotes most of her free time to reading, writing, and creating.  Some of the random things that bring me joy are pandas, dogs, dozens of shades of blue, flannels, coffee + an atrocious amount of sugar and/or chocolate and/or whipped cream, Star Wars, the sky, pizza, and 80's rock.  (I could list hundreds more but we'd be here forever.)

​       Books and writing are a huge part of my life (and will be a huge part of this blog). 
I am currently finishing the process of writing and self-publishing my Sci-Fi trilogy, the Continuing Forever Trilogy.  I wrote the first book in 2015 and published it in the Summer of 2016; since then I've been able to write and publish the second book (Infiltration).  The third and final installment, Cessation, will be released in August 2018.

​    I am a firm believer in Jesus Christ.  He is my greatest joy and my protector, and I'm continually learning to put my trust solely in Him and His plan for my life.  I am constantly astounded and humbled by His relentless, unfathomable, unfailing love for me, and I am constantly trying and learning to share that love with those around me.  

​   Thank you for stopping by.  Please have a look around and enjoy your "stay".  
​   Have a great day! 

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